they have a concert to go to. phooey. need to pack up and get home. much to do. home at midnight. havent packed. im broke. need to get to airport by five am for six thirty flight. time to hustle. need caffeine. have a coke. have a coffee. done working. packed. ready to go. three thirty am. cars coming up four thirty. no sleep tonight. jfk and catch a flight before the snowstorm landed. Havent slept yet. major snowstorm barreling towards ny. all flights after ours cancelled. cars here. good to go. on to jfk. get there early. wait out side a bit. screw it. im checking in. they'll meet me by the gate. got boarding pass. got through security. on to the gate. sit down. deep breath. exhausted. twenty hours non stop. sleep on plane? never easy for me. planes boarding. they're not here yet. at last. they all get here. good morning i say. im going to get on the plane. try to sleep. idiots abound. this one thinks his turntable case will fit overhead. unless youre cutting it half with a chainsaw it aint gonna fit. cant sit. another idiot trying to jam something on the overhead. ass in front of me thinks its his airline. telling this one what to do. telling that one what to do. this is the most uncomfortable seat ever. not gonna sleep. crap. im gonna have a meltdown. must stand and stretch. cant sit in that damn seat. cant land fast enough. suns coming up. gonna be a long day.
why do i do this???
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